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big boobs, big imagination

I know what you’re thinking about, darling. Oh yes, look into my eyes and KNOW that I know. You want to slide your hands into my bra and feel my boobies, all the softness and the nipples getting stiff. You want to take my titties out and put them into your lips. And if we were together, that’s what I’d want you to do. But first I would tease you for awhile, as I do in my new big tits porn video here. I like my pretty outfits to be appreciated. Do you like my bra and matching panties? Would you enjoy them as souvenirs, to keep under your pillow as you tug off at night thinking about sucking on my boobs? What I really like is to lean over a man and drop my nipples into his mouth one after the other while I reach for his cock and stroke it, until it’s ready to go into my pussy and I can ride over him while he sucks my nipples. Yes, these are some of the things I think about when I’m playing with my vibrator on camera, like you see in this big breast sex video and nude pics. I close my eyes and I can almost feel a cock moving between my cleavage up to my mouth as my sex toy does my cunny! I’m never really solo when my eyes are closed, if you know what I mean! My big imagination brings me cocks and titty fucks and oh, more than an orgasm or two! ;)

  • 00:14:16
  • Mar 29, 2015
  • 351


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