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solo workout gets sexxual - blonde gives her holes a workout

Jemma Valentine has been back in a major way lately, including today! The blonde babe is going to take her workout to a whole new level after she decides that she wants to test the strength of her PC muscles inside that shaved pussy of hers with her fingers before delving into her regular workout routine.Crouched on all fours the curvy ass d Canadian plunges her fingers into both her kitty and her asshole to give them both a little test. It turns out that she totally deviates from her workout plan, and instead gives herself an ass fingering and pussy insertion workout with her legs spread wide!Spread eagle we see her ass gape and pink as she bangs them out in some positions that only a gymnast could pull off! She enjoys her workout routine more than most people we ve seen lately, and she just might have you adding a new anal insertion and masturbation regimen to your workout too!

  • 00:16:40
  • Apr 09, 2016
  • 343


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