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naughty little slut 5072v2h

Here s cute teen Dany ready to make your haert beat or pressure rocket straight to the tip of your dick! Many of our members told us how they loved her little firm tits and tight teen pussy. She s a very naughty little slut too, who entertains herself by driving the men in the neighborhood crazy!
Every evening she turns the light on and opens the window in her room so that anyone could see her, then slowly strips down to her panties. Gaping her tight pussy as wide as it will go, which isn t very wide at all. She knows her stuff is tight, and she uses that to her full advantage! A nice little blonde landing strip says cum on in if you think you can squeeze through! Dany, we sure would love to try!

  • 00:05:50
  • Jul 28, 2001
  • 45


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