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tip-top shape girl 843h

Katy is 19 years old and has just started her first year at the veterinary school here in Budapest. That means she s away from home for the first time this year, and living in the big city, far from the village where she grew up. Somehow, she made it to us!
She tells us I miss the serene environment and also, I have to admit I miss being the only hot chick around for miles! Katy s truly magnificent breasts are all natural, and her love nest is in tip-top shape! Despite her taste for the natural in most things, Katy likes to wear lingerie that shows off her sexy figure to good advantage. She says I love the silky feel of it! I feel like a true city girl in lace. I just love it and cannot wait to explore my innermost desires here!

  • 00:01:52
  • Oct 18, 2001
  • 22


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