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good reason to play 871h

Sandra and Veronica have good reason to play around in costumes together. They know each other from the theater. Ironically, neither one of them is an actress in real life. Sandra is a stage assistant, and Veronica is the costumer, but they still enjoy indulging in some drama in their spare time.
In today s spectacle, Sandra, as eighteenth-century lord of the manor discovers that the maid Veronica has broken the head off of a plaster man they are both rather fond of! It s an occasion for punishment, so Sandra is brisk in breaking out the whips and chains, followed by her riding crop! She was very prepared. The highlight is really the zipper on her jockey trousers, which provides her maid with easy licking access to her mistress!

  • 00:01:42
  • Nov 09, 2001
  • 38


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