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blow your load for new years! 5132h

Hot pics to get you in the mood for the new-year party! Lisa with the 34C party starters rolls in and she s ready to give you something to ring the new year in with! How about a heavy duty pop shot courtesy of her hotness? Why blow a firecracker when you can blow your load!
She s looking like a sexy cat on the couch in her red undies, and showcasing her perfect juggs, super duper sensual legs and tipsy toe-ing on her feet to make the heat rise in your loins! One of the finest sugar holes in the business, and it s right here for you to dream about, right before you pop it! She gives you the doggy position at the end so you can take her from the rear and send your fireworks over her head!

  • 00:09:29
  • Dec 30, 2001
  • 21


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