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flexibility is her strong suit! 5144h

Drown in the pools of Lenka s mesmerizing eyes and hide your salami between her thighs! Okay, well yeah that might be hard to do through a computer screen, but if you set your imagination free, she could be right there in your lap riding you like a rodeo queen! Trust me, it works, she s on my lap right this very moment! Or at least that s what my brain thinks.
Here the 5 7 Czech chicka crawls around a tan couch in a white sleeper set flipping us her hairy little bird from within her panties while tipsy toe-ing to show us those sexy calves of hers. She then flips around and gapes her sweet pie for us while gaping and then gets into some flexible toe sucking action as she pops her digits into her mouth. For a finale we are treated to a folded lawn chair position with her toes and twat pointed straight at us with an aerial view of the camera! Gorgeous!

  • 00:07:41
  • Feb 16, 2002
  • 23


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