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ukrainian sweetheart stuffs her pie 5159h

Lena shows off her stockinged legs and a little more! She s a flexible sweetheart from the Ukraine, possibly a former gymnast with the way she spreads those silky lady walkers. Enjoy this hot legs and feet set as she tries to milk your balls for all their worth with her feet!
All pretty in pink here she will have your nuts screaming for you to pull on the relief valve as she struts around in knee high frilly stockings, and peeks her waffle fin at us from behind. Then it s all about the fancy foot work and throwing visions into our brain as to how tasty that waffle fin really is. The brunette beauty even feeds her pussy a white dildo in doggy and missionary. That dildo is one lucky stiff!

  • 00:05:17
  • Mar 28, 2002
  • 35


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