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innocent babe takes the chrome!5354h

She looks so innocent, but you and I know that s not so! Hungarian and super horny is what our lovely brunette Jennifer is. Check her out in this hot legs and feet episode where she struts her stuff for us in panties, bra, and nylon bobby socks!
Wearing some kind of innocent plaid summer dress, she begins to unveil her lady parts for us to pleasure over. Boy her stuff must be like candy! She takes a sniff of her nylon sock and the look on her eyes is sheer joy? What could it smell like? Could it be like flowers? or is it more like honey, or fruits? Whatever it was, she decides to snack on her toes afterwards and then plow her horny snatch with a chrome colored dildo!

  • 00:02:03
  • Nov 29, 2002
  • 33


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