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babe stuffs her fine cooter! 5405h

Hot legs of the day displayed here by the lovely Veronica da Souza! She s a terrific vision in white frolicking around on a lime green bed spread teasing us with her whit e high heels. How naughty of her!
She lets her titties come out to play too, can t let the legs have all the fun! Kissing, sucking, and licking her feet she seems to be in heaven with herself. With a body like hers, all pert and pretty, who wouldn t be! She takes us on a a pedi toenail painting session and displays her gorgeous twat for us the whole way through to keep us rock hard! Then it s penetration time with her dildo! Oooops, just blew my load, guess we will have to conclude here, but check her out, she s awesome!

  • 00:02:03
  • Dec 08, 2002
  • 41


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