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leg lovers double ending! 7117h

Two hotties toe-sucking for the fun of it! Now that would make an average afternoon into a delight!Here ya have Veronica Sinclair and Sandra Iron letting it all hang out with their foot fetish desires. One black haired, one blonde, that s like a Sundae deluxe!
The two starlets are dressed in white panties and bra with 6 pumps and start off rolling around on their baby blue sheets. One thing leads to another and pussies and high heels start getting licked feverishly. The sight of Veronica s gorgeous quim and perfect sweater puppies made me blast in my shorts straight away. I just couldn t control it! Thats a snack box and a half! Double-ender comes out to play and the sight of both pussies being penetrated by one another is like a Picasso. Just perfect! Enjoy.

  • 00:02:03
  • Jan 18, 2003
  • 34


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