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she takes the blue from our balls!5428h

Katy has lovely legs to accompany her sweet smile and bodacious body! Here she stiffens our pricks wearing an ultra sexy baby blue, silver and blue heels, and baby blue painted toenails. One things for sure, after viewing this, you wont have blue balls!
Just gettin juiced up for us on the couch and displaying her fine wares is enough to coax our semen out from their hiding place. Combine that with close ups over her ever so lickable soles and the booty she pushes out to us in doggy style as if to say this is all yours and you got yourself an empty nut sack! Then she stuffs her perfect twat that if I had the chance I would eat forever, with a blue toy and plumetts it deep with her heel. If you though it was over, think again! Time for that tight asshole to get some action. The blue toy looks like its being strangled from her perfect pooter! What a babe!

  • 00:01:48
  • Jan 31, 2003
  • 28


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