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tan-lined twat from the gods! 5546h

Victoria s perfect pussy and feet make for great viewing! It s her and a blue couch and the only thing that s missing from that picture is one of us in there with her! Well if your like me, your already on that couch with her! Heck, our brains don t know the difference. As far as mine is concerned, i ve been taxing that ass and licking that sweet pussy pie all day long!
Those peds of hers are looking super suckable, I d jam that whole foot of hers in my mouth, no sweat! But when she peeps us her pie from parting her panties, the feet take a back seat! Goodness, then she jams a custom dildo in her tan-lined puss and all restraint goes out the window. Cum shot, right on the screen! Sorry Morgan, couldn t help it!

  • 00:01:55
  • Sep 18, 2003
  • 17


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