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tantalizing legs and booty! 5754h

High heels, hot legs and tantalizing toes. What more do you need? Well, whether you need more or not, Andrea sure does supply! This cutester from Prague comes in ready to strut those sexy legs of her sin a way that makes you spill all the milk from your nut sacks, and that s a fact!
Wearing a vinyl skirt that really accentuates her sexy, tanned and toned legs she seductively strips for us. There is one scene where she parts her thong to the side just giving us a glimpse of her pie and it s then that you realize your looking at a master piece booty! Her exquisite pumps get some close ups too, very pretty shoes, perfect for jerking off in! And then there she does it again, pie shot from the rear, goodness, my swimmers heading down stream! Her toes give us the grand finale, and if you have any left in you, they look like they need some creme!

  • 00:01:55
  • Jun 11, 2004
  • 23


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