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extremely horny girl 6217h

Hey Guys, I’m Jenny a very tall, sexy and extremely horny girl. As you can see I have very long legs which make me much taller than most girls and even some boys. I stand over six feet tall in my bare feet and believe it or not my height became a too much for my boyfriend to handle so need to say he left me, dickless and Horny as you know what. But there’s no need to worry I have a dildo to pick up right where he left off. I sat on my sofa and caressed my legs down to my foot and pulled on my bra straps shaking my boobs. I licked my fingers and slipped it inside my bra and began toying with my nipples, making them all happy and getting them on the rise. I took of my bra and played with my breast and caressed my body all over, rubbing my legs and then my feet and toes and then I stood up and began playing with my panties bending down and touched myself from foot to ass. I pulled my panties down just past my ass and started moving my hips from side to side, rubbing my legs and ass gettin

  • 00:02:47
  • Apr 26, 2006
  • 24


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