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Sometimes, what the lady of the house needs is to be dominated to relieve her from her normal role of being the one in control and keeping things orderly. In today s Euro Girls on Girls lesbian porn scene Tiffany Doll comes to the rescue for Ava Austen, and gets her out of her head and into the bed!Tiffany might be than her client, but that s all a part of the appeal in this fetish porn scene; a young college girl dominating her milfy customer. As soon as Tiffany rings the door and is let inside her whip comes out and so does Ava s curvy ass from underneath her skirt for a smack from the switch, and her natural tits pop out for some fondling of her nips.Pussy licking and a little love slapping ensues all around the livingroom as well as some probing satisfaction using their fingers and other toys to titillate their senses and satisfy their desires. Get ready for a raging hard-on watching these French and British girlfriends play games!

  • 00:16:33
  • May 20, 2017
  • 154


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