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sheryl s all beef platter!

Sheryl was very hungry judging by the way she lunged into Roberto s pants to feed on his trouser snake!! She wasted no time at all before she gorged herself with him. She s definitely no vegetarian! Roberto couldn t believe with how much gusto Sheryl tucked into his meat platter, not that he was complaining. Prettty smokin body on this blue eyed bobber as well, nice shots from the rear as she parts her panties and winks at you with her shaved cooter, then pops that sweet rump in the air. Only thing that s missing here is my face in between those cheeks sucking up all her juicy nectar! Anyway s, back to the action! Soon she d finished off her main course and was ready for a hot and creamy dessert, which Roberto happily supplied. Enjoy this hot cock gobbling action from a cute, sexy babe who certainly likes dick and preferably in her mouth!!!

  • 00:13:49
  • Sep 20, 2004
  • 251


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