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anal anticipations!

Check out super glamorous me! I have my hair and makeup all done for this guy I want to fuck called Tomas! He is really hot (I have a thing for ponytails) and he wants me! First we kiss as I stroke his cock until I feel it bulging in his pants. Then I whip it out and suck it a little. Soon he is very excited and sliding his meaty length into my juicy pussy... It feels good. He s naughty though! He keeps fingering my asshole, so I tell him to stop messing around and stick his meatstick in. In a flash I have my anus stretched around his love pole as he thrusts ever more urgently into my brown bud until he moans that he is about to cum. He pulls it out and cums on me even allowing me to suck off the last few drops from his dipped tip!

  • 00:18:35
  • Jan 19, 2006
  • 444


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