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pink and upbeat

Well-named Sunny Jay from the Czech Republic looks so upbeat and cute for us in her little panties, but we just know from the git-go that she can’t wait to take them off and start playing with her mostly shaved pussy in her teen XXX video! (We say “mostly” cuz she’s got a little squiggly landing strip just above her mound.) She pulls up her colorful top and lets us see her little 34A knobs and then she tugs her panty crotch aside and spreads the pink. Next she teases with her bottom half out of her underpants before taking them off entirely to lean back and get friendly with her big lavender vibrator. This barely legal pornstar goes wild with her toy, cramming it in her cooch in lotsa different positions and usually with a big smile on her face, except when she’s nibbling on her thumb while she does her snatch with the sex toy from behind in doggie style. Get acquainted with Sunny in her hot babe pics and you’ll feel pretty sunny yourself!

  • 00:18:53
  • Jan 31, 2006
  • 211


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