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taking the stone in her backdoor!

Hi there, it s me again, Gabriela, the tall, blonde Russian who loves it up the ass. Thomas wanted to get into some spanking and stuff and I was game. I was blindfolded when he shoved his cock in my mouth. I could feel it pulsating and throbbing and it turned me on. he didn t bother with my pussy though, he stuck his cock covered in my spit right up my ass. Soon he was bucking and thrusting away, taking time to gape my ass wide. Wow, it was hot. Then he splattered my ass with his love cream before letting me suck his dick clean, but that wasn t the end. Soon he scooped up the cum from my ass with the paddle and made me lick it off, Mmmm!

  • 00:15:46
  • Apr 02, 2006
  • 255


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