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three digits for her gidget!

Man!! This shorty is stacked!! Welcome Kassey Krystal to the blowjob championships because she s got it! Coming to us in a completely boner popping outfit with her blonde hair braided on both sides and a thousand yard stare that says " I m gonna eat you for lunch!"First she teases us with a flip to the side of her silky pink panties, revealing a gorgeous waffle fin with an immaculate "V" shaved into it and ring hooped into her hood! Wouldn t we love to take a look under that! She twists and contorts her lovely body into various positions so we can enjoy that beautiful round ass in our face and sumptuous tits right there too while she plummets three digits into her hot wanting twat! If you havent had enough here, DDFNetwork has almost one hundred Kassey Krystal sets for members to enjoy!

  • 00:12:31
  • Jun 06, 2006
  • 154


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