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squatting in my pigtails!

With a New year I usually like to adorn myself in spring inspired colors. Here s a fresh new set with me in pigtails and paisley top with a white skirt. Kind of brings me back to the days when I was in college and masturbated in my dorm room alot. Here s your chance to have a glimpse into how that was for me. I just couldn t getenough of exploring my juicy trimmed twat back then. Let me tell you, it ws whispering for my attention constantly and I had to have a fresh set of batteries ready at all times for my vibrator! Back then I really loved to prop out on the floor and squat on top of it, my juicy twat gobbling its girth. It was great practice for sure!

  • 00:19:39
  • Jan 02, 2007
  • 171


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