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pina colada punani!

Hey there! Looks like you caught me after a little sun drenched Pina Colada time! Just chillin in my hotel room, I m a little buzzed and thought I should strut for you in my new Bikini and threaded sarong. Ive been hitting the gym hard these days as I hope you can appreciate in my tight firm tanned body and thighs that I could wrap around your neck when your sucking down my luscious oyster. My ass is about as tight and firm as its ever been, and that perfect shape for just getting behind me and giving me what you got , hard! But since your not here, I have my turquoise little helper, so hope you don t mind that I masturbate for you! They say that Dolphins are intelligent beings. I have to agree!

  • 00:18:31
  • Jan 13, 2007
  • 161


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