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handcuffed, horny and heeled out!

Check out my little jailhouse session, just for my fans! In this set I sport my specially designed jailhouse patterned thong and chain bra, as well as little kinky bondage fetish with my ankles locked up tight. I go through a few different scenarios in my cell as my energy rushes to my hot cooter and I pull out a pot to piss in! Oooops, had to get that out before masturbating! I also have a hidden dildo in my cell, I couldn t make it in here without that! It s specially designed to be a buttplug as well and has a silver kind of hi-tech look and feel to it! Enjoying that view of my ass perked up in the air? Don t be shy, jerk you r dick to me, that s what I want!

  • 00:14:11
  • Jun 09, 2007
  • 40


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