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punishment of the pissy kind!

Little Jeny playing next to her crib has a small accident. She forgets to run to the potty and lets a long stream of warm piss fill her diaper. She is soaked and standing in a large puddle when mother walks in. Veronica is furious. Jeny has been taught to use the potty and is just lazy. Veronica is even more livid when Jeny announces she did it cause it felt sooo good! Well that may be but now she has some other problems. The first of which is a sound over the knee spanking on her little bare wet bottom. She squeals kicks and pleads to be let off but Veronica applies her hand relentlessly until Jill s bottom is fully covered in a rosy hue. Veronica marches her unceremoniously by the ear towards the wall for some repentive corner time.

  • 00:10:21
  • Jul 20, 2007
  • 310


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