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doctor ice and his gentle hand!

All the instruments are laid out and everything looks in order for her examination. Dr Icy enters with a soft smile and promptly begins nurse Laura s routine medical exam! First there s the breast check followed by a thorough pelvic exam. Dr Icy opens Laura s pussy with a huge speculum and takes a good long look. Next! Its temperature time. Laura giggles as the cool glass thermometer enters her rectum while Dr. Ice adds a comforting hand to her quim. Today s exam includes an oral checkup. Dr. Icy employs a dental brace to open up Laura s mouth and then dips his swollen cock in a few times to check wetness and muscle response. His accommodating nurse shows him there s no problem by flicks her tongue out to massage the head and give the good doctor a kind thanks for his services.

  • 00:13:39
  • Aug 21, 2007
  • 132


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