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double-dong diva!

Cindy, a gorgeous Hungarian veteran of eleven appearances on our site, shows her amazing flexibility in this classic set wherein she takes a double-dong in her pussy and posterior. After peeling off her thong, Cindy seasons the dildo with saliva, then crams it into her box while splaying herself barefoot across a couch. Then she warms up her asshole with the toy, keeping it in place with the naked sole of her left foot. Next comes the moment of truth. Like a magician about to vanish an elephant from a stage, Cindy smiles at her audience before making the two heads of the dong disappear into her veegee and rosebud. She briefly takes a break from the dong and spreads her flowery labia, then puts both tips of the tool back in cunny and caboose. And just to show her asshole’s stretchiness as well, she then pulls it apart with her fingers for a final gaping goodbye!

  • 00:19:46
  • Mar 02, 2008
  • 295


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