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check out cindy s amazing bottom!

Wait till you see Cindy White’s stunning derriere! This slender blonde has gorgeous eyes, a sexy cleft in her chin, and an amazing behind that she showcases right from the start as she rolls around naked (except for her medium-heeled sandals) on a bed. There are many terrific poses that show off the gorgeous curves of her narrow waist to her hips, but what’s really horny is when she lays on her tummy, arches her back, and sticks her butt in the air. It would be neat to give this naughty girl a fun spanking and see those lovely cheeks wiggle and glow! Cindy plays with her shaved pussy, and gives us good views of her asshole, which looks as if it’s had some stretching lately, even if only by her probing finger right before the shoot began!

  • 00:08:52
  • Apr 16, 2008
  • 105


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