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pussy to mouth cocktails!

See this love triangle that makes everyone happy as two girls and one boy get down and then get off! "When Frank walked in and caught me fucking Olivia with a strp-on I didn t know if he would get jealous or turned on. Luckily for us it was the latter. Soon he was pumped up and ramming his meat into the mix as we got sweatier and hornier. We took turns with the cock, made daisy-chains with the strap-on and got out a big glass double-dildo to make sure everyone was fully involved in the action. Add the tongues and fingers to this and you have quite a cocktail (and cock-tale!). We finished Frank s mammoth meat off with some PTM sucking before he came in my mouth. Mmmm, I hope he interrupts us again!"

  • 00:24:08
  • Jun 03, 2008
  • 181


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