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how about a shot of tequila!

Hi it s me, Tequila, the hot Czech chick who likes body piercings. I know I have been away for a a couple of months, so I thought I d come back and see what s up! So, did you miss me? I figured the best way to show off my pierced clit was to have a bald vagina. Then, to swell my clit up good, I figured some masturbation with a dildo might help. So here it is for you in all its blood engorged glory! What do you think? I like it and hope I get the chance to come back and show it off again in the future. So, I m so horny from fucking myself with that dildo I ve got to go and get some cock. Ciao!

  • 00:17:17
  • Dec 03, 2008
  • 52


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