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tight, toned & tasty

Bridget greets us in a barn today, dressed in an alluring outfit that looks like a combination between that of a German barmaid and an American cowgirl. She’s got the hat of a cowgirl and the frilly flouncy dirndl-style minidress of a girl serving up big mugs of lager in a beer hall, with the addition of suede high heel boots on her taut tan legs. At one point she kicks up her gam and it looks like she might enjoy seeing a guy lick her boot. However, although she’s quite fetching in her ensemble, our girl starts to peel off those duds faster than you can say “Bring me more suds, fraulein!” and underneath her lacy black thong and white bodice we see a very nice bare pair of firm breasts, a snug clam, and tasty cheeks as she moves around and kneels on the straw-covered barn floor. Enjoy this Czech hot babe in her erotic video and nude pics!

  • 00:12:36
  • Mar 06, 2009
  • 154


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