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minx on maneuvers

Blue Angel is out on maneuvers today...maneuvering, that is, to get a very susceptible part of your anatomy out of your pants and get you tugging as she dresses up in army fatigues and plays with what looks like a policeman’s club. Well, maybe she’s supposed to be an MP...Minx Police, perhaps? Because Blue is quite the minx as this Hungarian hottie slips out of her khakis and starts masturbating herself with that shiny black club, warming up her pink with some rubbing and then cramming the shaft into her veeg as she smiles and encourages us to match her stroke for stroke on our own rigid clubs, which will undoubtedly spring to action once we get them out of the tangle of our shorts upon viewing Angel’s nude pics and erotic video!

  • 00:21:46
  • Mar 29, 2009
  • 188


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