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more than ready

Abbie Cat is here today showing off her lovely kitty. She’s got a little ring through her lips, too, adding to the sensual allure. This Hungarian doll displays herself from tip to toe, naked from the beginning, and as she moves around on the bed we can feast on everything from her 38B knobs to that sweet pierced pie! Laying back on the gold satiny sheets, she crosses her long legs at the ankles as she rubs her clam while looking us right in the eyes. Then she gets on her tummy, firing off all our doggie style daydreams! But restless Abbie keeps moving this way and that, lifting up her legs so if you’d like to imagine crouching over her and banging her from above, well, this glamour porn star is more than ready for that in her nude pics and erotic video!

  • 00:16:26
  • May 29, 2009
  • 204


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