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heal us, nursie!

We’ve said it here before and we’ll say it again--if this is the way nurses looked and dressed and acted (showing off their pussies under the hems of tight pink vinyl uniforms, cramming their flower-like cunnies with realistic cock-shaped toys), hospitals would be competing with movies and concerts for people to get in and get the best seats! In this case, Aleska Diamond is our horny healer, and whether she’s giving us glimpses of her scrumptious titties or sticking a pink veiny vibe in her snatch and letting it stick out and thrum its throbbing into her innermost core, she’s a most therapeutic sight--although when we’re done whacking to her nude pics, our cocks are probably going to need a few splints! Which we will be only too eager to have Nurse Diamond apply!!

  • 00:21:29
  • Oct 12, 2009
  • 203


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