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earning even more acclaim

After an acclaimed dance performance, ballerina Rebecca Contreras returns to her hotel room, holding the flowers that were given to her by a grateful audience. But Rebecca is a most unusual ballerina; she is also a nude model! And so, as soon as she puts down the bouquet and wipes herself off with a towel, she disrobes and plays with her extremely pink pussy for us. With her ballet shoes off, we get to ogle her size 7.5 toes too, even as she crams her cunny with her pink polished fingers, and tugs down her frilly rhumba-style panties to reveal quite a meaty ‘taint between her asshole and snatch. You’ll be calling "encore! encore!" after you peruse this hot Hungarian babe in her nude pics today! Foot fans will definitely dig her sexy feet in those pink leg warmers, too.

  • 00:16:10
  • Oct 21, 2009
  • 159


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