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brown haired hungarian delight!

We bring to you the casting of brown haired Hungarian delight, Jenny Wings! Yep, and you guessed it! This babes got a nice set of Bat wings emerging from her sweet flower! Usually means a very sensitive pussy and real horny orgasms! Those are perfect for sucking on and just tugging on them with your teeth, Mmmmmm, absolutely delicious!She even sports a nice landing strip so that your rocket ship doesn t miss the bat cave entrance! And from the rear you have a nice asshole shaped like a bulls-eye so you don t miss the back entrance! The pink dildo she en-joy s gets right in there without a hitch! Topping things off with a blowjob, were sure that more Jenny Wings sightings are coming to us soon!

  • 00:08:35
  • Dec 18, 2009
  • 120


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