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penetration with holiday ornaments!

Conny explores alternate uses for Christmas tree ornaments as she first tantalizes us in her red bra and matching panties, then plucks a golden cylinder-like ornament off the nearby tree and warms it up in her cleavage. Soon the bra comes off so we can enjoy her tits, then she lays back and tugs aside her panty crotch to show us her smooth clam. Faster than you can say, “Holy shit!!” she s fucking herself with the ornament, sliding it into her vagina. Getting on her knees, she shoots us some doggie style poses before stuffing the toy into herself in that position. Conny licks her red lips and lets us look at her pink pussy, minus the toy for a few shots. Then back goes the pointy tube into her raunchy recesses. Taking out the toy and getting comfortable in yet another position, she quickly replaces the golden cylinder in her twat, and we have a feeling that’s where it’s going to stay until some lucky Santa gets to pluck it away and fuck her silly!

  • 00:16:14
  • Dec 23, 2009
  • 247


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