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she toys with us

In her dramatic outfit, holding a riding crop, at first Gina from the Czech Republic looks as if she’s in a BDSM disciplinary mode; but once she starts undoing the zippers of her black bra and shorts, it’s clear she’s more into pleasuring herself while we happily watch her erotic video and nude pics. This tan blonde hot babe parts the petals of her tawny pussy with her long French fingernails, and looks at us with raised eyebrow and a slightly cynical expression in her green eyes, as if thinking, “You’re trying to resist me? Why aren’t you masturbating already?” It seems she’s toying with us... But of course she gives us plenty of reasons to stroke, spreading her pink as she runs that riding crop between her thighs and then licking and sliding a huge silver vibrator into her core. Gina purses her lips and gives us that cynical expression again, just about the time we uncontrollably blow our loads over her horny activities in this onebyday-style glamour porn special!

  • 00:19:07
  • Jun 02, 2010
  • 234


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