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alina inspires orgasms!

This 24 year old Ukrainian sweetheart with the 32D milk makers is just about as sexy as they come, in a quiet, girl-next-door sort of way. In her new movie she kneels on a couch and rubs herself through a skimpy blue top and panties, and the sound of her hands on her body really pulls us into the scene. Not only that, but our cutie is barefoot and has very nicely arched feet. The movie is a mix of full body shots and low angle closeups that work with Alina’s teasing smile to drive us crazy with desire as our girl plays peekaboo with her paps until she finally takes off the top and keeps rubbing her tits and giving us that quiet little killer smile. Her boobs look so firm and fresh, but heavy! Oh to be smacked in the face with those smackeroos! You’ll just wanna jump into the scene and join Alina on that couch to suck, to fuck, and to cum!

  • 00:12:05
  • Sep 07, 2010
  • 138


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