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slender and stunning [part 1]

Get ready for another new discovery of ours, Ariel, a long-limbed, slender, but curvy brunette in the fashion model mode. Ariel does what no fashion model dares! Displaying her legs in garters and nylons, she soon peels off her scarlet bustier and reveals two high, firm, especially suckable titties. But wait until you see the lush-lipped pussy in her panties, totally shaved and captured in enormous closeups. Ariel spreads her luscious labia with her alluringly sharp French-pedicured fingernails, then gets on the floor where she also gives us great views of her exceptionally delightful derriere. Im down there on the floor with you, Miss Ariel!!

  • 00:11:09
  • Sep 29, 2010
  • 183


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