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a leggy debut!

Meet new face Elizabeth as she shows off her incredibly leggy body in white lacy thigh-high stockings. She also treats us to a sexy peel out of her pink bra and panties, showing off a smooth tummy that would be so delightful to lick and kiss.. Elizabeth may be fresh to our site but she looks like she’s got a good future here as she displays herself in a friendly, relaxed, and cock-inspiring fashion! Her legs look amazing in the stockings, especially when she stretches them out and gives us big glimpses of her meaty pink pussy at the same time! But what Uncle Irv likes even more are the great doggie style views where both her legs and butt are shown off to best advantage, as she looks over her shoulder no doubt secure in the knowledge that her debut appearance is stimulating creamy loads wherever horny men can access the Internet!

  • 00:11:02
  • Dec 22, 2010
  • 170


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