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the gift of glutes!

Just in case one Santa isnt enough, we here at give you two!So put aside the eggnog, get away from the folks for a little while, and check out Lauren on Saturday Christmas Day when she shows up to give you a few more presents in the form of: 1) her sweet face; 2) her tempting titties; 3) her mouthwatering pussy; 4) her world-class glutes, otherwise known as her fantastic ass; and 5) her kinky red patent leather heel holiday ankle boots! (Are those shoes North Pole-Approved Santas Helper Wear? Hey, Uncle Irv doesnt care--do you??) Lauren shows off her treats next to the tree and insists that you give YOURSELF the gift that just keeps on giving: namely, a hot squirt into your hands as you admire her lovely body! Merry Christmas, Lauren, here we cum! SSSSSSSSSPLAT!!!

  • 00:17:07
  • Dec 24, 2010
  • 149


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