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sunbathing tit godesses!

Those two boobtastic Brits Leanne Crow and Kelley Scarlett return in a new twosome pictorial (if you missed their car wash duo back on 10/20/10, check it out in the archives). This time theyre in bikinis, posing outdoors at a pool. Looking like two red carpet celebrities in their shades, they know theyve got our balls under control as they playfully splash around in the water before they finally take off their tops and demonstrate the flotation qualities of their knockers. They squeeze them in their mitts, push them out between their arms, and sun them under the bright sky. Id like to be their poolside valet and get them cool drinks at their command, maybe to be rewarded for my service with a chance to get in the pool myself and splash around amidst their gigantic gazongas. That would be titmans heaven!Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews capture these jiggly goddesses preening like Hollywood starlets in their sunglasses as they turn their faces and floppers toward the sun. When

  • 00:24:12
  • Dec 28, 2010
  • 597


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