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sharon saves her own ass!

Here s some serious sizzle as new face Sharon Lee takes sex toys for a test drive. She quickly strips out of her conservative office clothes so that she can cram a huge lifelike rubber cock in her pussy. Sharon’s got a great body and alluring Asian features, and she also has pretty red-polished toes in sexy black patent slingback peep toe shoes. Now, although her photos here are great, you just gotta see the High Definition video to fully understand how thoroughly she tests those toys--especially the purple plastic one with which she fucks her ass long, hard and deep as she moans up a storm. Sharon must also enjoy the taste of her own butt, because more than once she takes the toy out of her rectum and moves it directly into her mouth for long sucks to make it wet again. What a wild chick!

  • 00:21:21
  • Jan 16, 2011
  • 419


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